Our District

Executive Summary

Inland Lakes is a very connected community. The school district is and always has been a safe, friendly place that welcomes everyone from preschool through alternative ed, in order to best service families from all socioeconomic environments. We pride ourselves on being able to provide resources and activities to bring the school, families, and the community together.

Inland Lakes Schools is a small rural district located in the northernmost county of Michigan's lower peninsula. It has approximately 760 students in grades K-12. Although Inland Lakes is located between two larger communities, the economy of the area has greatly affected students' enrollment trends in the last three years. Our district is located in an area dependent on tourism, with mostly lower paying jobs. Our free and reduced lunch rate (the measure of socioeconomic status) has been around 70% for several years. We serve a large population of at-risk youth. We are proud to share our academic success with all five core areas at the highest percent of success this year, higher than they have been in the last five years. We also have the highest percent of students prepared for college within our ESD (COP ESD). The community, school personnel, and families are largely supportive of Inland Lakes, and they do many things to help keep the school a desirable school to attend.

This past summer, our entire district underwent a major facelift thanks to our community's generosity in passing a bond proposal. This upgraded our facilities, increased safety and security, and provided our students with cutting-edge educational technology tools. We are currently doing a great deal of strategic planning, in order to continue to maintain our district in the fashion in which residents are accustomed.

Mandated Information

"Under the No Child Left Behind Act, parents have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers and the qualifications of any paraprofessionals who provide services to their children. Parents may request and receive information about: (a) whether the teacher is State-certified, (b) whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status, and (c) the baccalaureate major of the teacher and any other graduate degree or certification. Parents may request information on the level of achievement of their child in each of the State academic assessments. If a student attending a school that receives any Title I, Part A funds is assigned to, or taught, for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified, the school must provide timely notice to the student’s parents. Send inquires to: Superintendent's Office; 4363 S Straits Hwy.; Indian River, MI   49749"

District Process for Determination of a Specific Learning Disability

Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses Process:

The district uses a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses Process for the determination of a Specific Learning Disability for all buildings and all grades in the district and includes the following:

  1. The students does not achieve adequately for the student's age or to meet State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the areas identified at 34 CFR 300.309(a)(1)(i) when provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for the student's age or State-approved grade-level standards; and

  2. The student exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement, or both, relative to age, State-approved grade-level standards, or intellectual development, that is determined by the MET to be relevant to the identification of a SLD, using appropriate assessments, consistent with the IDEA Evaluation Procedures and Additional Requirements for Evaluations and Reevaluations.

Contact Us

Inland Lakes Schools District Office

4363 S. Straits Hwy

Indian River, MI 49749


Elizabeth Fairbanks

Amanda O'Boyle

Administrative Assistant

(231)238-6868 ext. 1160

Meagan Siecinski

Administrative Assistant

Human Resources

(231)238-6868 ext. 1161

Chad Lubbers

Transportation/Maintenance Director

(231)238-6868 ext. 1180

John Galacz

Food Service Director

(231)238-6868 ext. 1204

Casey Piper

Director of Technology

(231)238-6868 ext. 1174

James Mier

Head of Maintenance

(231)238-6868 ext. 1106

Thunder Bay Health Clinic

Direct Line
