Congratulations IL High School Athletes of the Week!

Good luck tonight! Go Bulldogs!

Congratulations to our Middle School Athletes of the Week!

Game Day @ Bellaire- Good Luck Bulldogs!

Let's go Bulldogs!

Spread the word! Join us for Cookies and Cocoa with Santa!

Save the Date for our Making Spirits Bright Concert- Hosted by IL Elementary

State Championship Watch Party Saturday, November 18th!
Inland Lakes High School Gym - doors open at 10:30AM
Kick off at 11AM

Save the Date for the BLUE Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving with IL Cross Country! Go Bulldogs! 💙🦃
When: Thanksgiving Day at 9AM (registration/sign in begins at 8:30 in the Blue Room/gym area)

Dear Parents/Guardians of IL Students,
I hope this letter finds you well. We would like to remind you about our half-day schedule for all students on Friday, Oct. 6th with dismissal at 11:30am. The half-day schedule on Oct. 6th is necessary to accommodate for an important professional development session for our teachers and staff.
In collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, we have developed a comprehensive reunification and safety training for all district staff. This training is aimed at equipping our staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all. We wanted to inform the community that local law enforcement agencies will be on campus the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 6th.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child's education. We have full confidence that this professional development opportunity will further strengthen our ability to provide a safe and secure learning environment for our ILS community. Go Bulldogs!
Elizabeth Fairbanks

ILS dual enrolled students attending Alpena Community College today! Thank you ACC for allowing us to visit. Go Bulldogs!

Thank you to our ILS kitchen staff for bringing a street taco food truck to our high schoolers today! Let’s go Bulldogs! 💙